
Daily Rituals – How Artists Work
Real-life 5-part conversation about the book «Daily Rituals» by Mason Currey complete with transcript and language highlights. Level: higher • Category: listening, reading, vocabluary •

The Real History of GoT
Everyone’s talking about Game of Thrones again! But where did they get the ideas for this world of bloodthirsty, warmongering, backstabbing kings and queens? Level:

The Art of Spelling
The sound of English words does not correspond directly with how we write them but you can learn to see the patterns. Level: medium •

Real Business Emails
Emailing in a second language can be demanding: how you approach your contacts can have a huge effect on how they feel about receiving your

Myths debunked!
Did Paul McCartney die in 1966? Was Walt Disney cryogenically frozen? Should you think twice before performing Macbeth? Level: higher • Category: listening • •

Before Banksy there was…
Dive into the world of Jean-Michel Basquiat through this TED Ed introduction to his life and art. Level: higher • Category: listening, reading, writing, discussion
Dictionaries & Vocabulary
Speaking & Pronunciation
Videos & Listening
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