Great tips with plenty of laughs!

This series of English videos will make you laugh while you pick up some really useful, natural phrases and learn how to avoid common mistakes.

Level: basic • medium • higher • 

Category: listening, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, speaking

 • • • • • • • • • all levels  • • • • • • • • •

Your host, Gideon, is from London and has a very natural, down-to-earth approach and a real talent for comedy as the video above proves!

The “Let Them Talk TV” Youtube channel specialises in idiomatic language, grammar tips and pronunciation.

How can you speak more like a native speaker? How can you sound more polite? And that old mystery: when is it right to use the present perfect?

There are also several videos on preparing for job interviews: “How to write a cover letter“; “How to answer the ‘Tell Me About Yourself’” question; and “10 Tips for passing a job interview

Click the button below to see all of his videos. You’ll be glad that you did!

All the videos

