
Listening: Space-saving solar hacks
BBC 6-minute English investigates why there aren’t solar panels everywhere. You will pick up some really useful vocabulary and get used to hearing people speaking in English.

How we really say «Pleased to meet you»
Is Contraction really important? Does it really matter if you contract or not?

Business: Phone conversations
Vanessa explains how to ask to speak to someone on the phone. She shows the difference between formal and informal registers.

Listening: Coffee cups. Plastic, reusable, recyclable?
BBC 6-minute English investigates coffee cups. They are often made of plastic so can’t be recycled. Level: medium • Category: listening; vocabulary • • •

A Song by The Beatles
The Beatles were possibly the best pop group ever! Their songs are famous all over the world. They can also help you with your English!

Is your speaker spying on you?
BBC 6-minute English investigates smart speakers. They listen and respond to our every command but do they know too much about us? Level: medium •
Dictionaries & Vocabulary
Speaking & Pronunciation
Videos & Listening
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