
Podcasts for advanced learners
A great way of practising your English is by listening to podcasts from The Guardian.

Business: Cashflow explained
Would you like to learn about finance and practise your English at the same time? Look now further.

Greta, a climate hero
Greta Thunberg is a 16 year-old climate activist from Sweden. She is a young woman on a mission, and has inspired countless people around the world to act on climate change.

Advanced phrasal verb quizzes
It’s time to brush up on your phrasal verbs! Play Quizlet and learn new while having fun. Take these quizzes until you get 100% every time!

2-screen laptop!
Are you kidding me? A laptop with two screens? So does that mean I can watch the football at the same time as writing

Inkblots on the mind
Do the Rorschach inkblots reveal anything about our minds or is it just a load of mumbo jumbo? Level: higher • Category: listening, reading, writing,
Dictionaries & Vocabulary
Speaking & Pronunciation
Videos & Listening
Listen to English music and talk radio over the internet. Choose from 100s of stations!