

«for» or «since»?

Do you know when to use «for» and when to use «since»? Test yourself here! Level: basic •  Category: grammar; vocabulary  • • • •

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The Art of Spelling

The sound of English words does not correspond directly with how we write them but you can learn to see the patterns. Level: medium • 

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The World of Dreams

What do you dream about when you dream? And what could it possibly mean? Level: basic •  Category: reading; vocabulary  • • • • •

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Dictionaries & Vocabulary

Dictionary definitions with lots of examples in Spanish and English.

Dictionary with forum to see how to use words and phrases in context.

Great definitions, examples of usage and then games!

A visual web of words and different vocabulary.


Definitions, rules, quizzes and tips.

If you love language and care about every little nuance, you’re in the right place!

Upper level grammar quizzes. If it’s too hard, try level 4 instead.

Advanced level exercises and grammar guide.

Traditional explanations and practice.

All the grammar basics. Don’t miss the quizzes and games!

Test yourself with some «fun» games.

Speaking & Pronunciation

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YouGlish searches YouTube videos for the word you type. Great for pronunciation!

How to make your words flow easily.

Heather Hansen Heather has lots of pronunciation videos and quick tips!

Videos & Listening

Regular videos, arranged by level.

Hundreds of talks on new ideas.

Video explainers with questions and discussions.

Read and listen to audio books and short podcasts.

Intermediate level business course in 15 episodes.

The «English in a minute» section gives detailed breakdowns of English idioms.

Listen to English music and talk radio over the internet. Choose from 100s of stations!


Advanced texts and questions.

Choose your level and pick an activity. Simple!

Read and listen to audio books and short podcasts.


Write to Kuki, a chatbot. It’s always there to write back!

Lots of great writing tips, including spelling and punctuation.

Complete a series of writing tasks. For «higher» level, choose «B2″ and C1».

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Official Exams

How the Cambridge exams work.

Practice questions for official exams and more.

Information, practice and vocabulary for official exams.

Exercises include speaking and listening sections.

How the IELTS exam works and sample test questions.

Full practice tests for IELTS. Requires login.

How the TOEFL exam works.

Do a writing task and get automatic feedback.