
Real English – Grammar in real life
Real people talking about the things they «used to do» when they were younger. Listen to a video with and without subtitles and then practise

«for» or «since»?
Do you know when to use «for» and when to use «since»? Test yourself here! Level: basic • Category: grammar; vocabulary • • • •

Uh uh uh (What does she mean?)
The way that you say something can have a big influence on how we understand it. Yes, we’re talking about intonation: the melody of our

The Art of Spelling
The sound of English words does not correspond directly with how we write them but you can learn to see the patterns. Level: medium •

Spanish-English Quizzes
De vez en cuando, it’s nice to know how to say common phrases in English. So take these quizzes until you get 100% every time!

The World of Dreams
What do you dream about when you dream? And what could it possibly mean? Level: basic • Category: reading; vocabulary • • • • •
Dictionaries & Vocabulary
Speaking & Pronunciation
Videos & Listening
Listen to English music and talk radio over the internet. Choose from 100s of stations!